The South African Mastiff or Boerboel Dog Breed Guide for an Active Family Lifestyle

If you’re looking for a majestic and protective dog breed that fits your active family lifestyle, the South African Mastiff, also known as the Boerboel, might just be the perfect fit for you. In this dog breed guide, we’ll provide you with everything you need to know about this magnificent breed, from their history and physical characteristics to their temperament and training needs.

Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or an experienced handler, the South African Mastiff or Boerboel is a breed that deserves your attention. So, let’s dive into this guide and discover why this giant breed is a great addition to any family.

South African Mastiff or Boerboel

First, let’s start with a brief introduction to this impressive dog breed.

The South African Mastiff or Boerboel is a large dog breed that originated in South Africa. They were originally bred for guarding and protection, and their size and protective nature make them an excellent choice for families who need a loyal guardian.

Throughout this guide, we’ll discuss their history and origin, physical characteristics, temperament and personality, training and socialization needs, health and care requirements, exercise and activity needs, owning a South African Mastiff or Boerboel, and even their suitability as a therapy dog. This dog breed guide is your go-to resource for all things Boerboel.

So, if you’re ready to learn more about the South African Mastiff or Boerboel, let’s get started!

History and Origin of the South African Mastiff or Boerboel

If you’re interested in the South African Mastiff or Boerboel dog breed, it’s helpful to understand the breed’s history and origins. The Boerboel is a large, mastiff-type dog breed that originates from South Africa.

Dutch settlers originally bred these dogs in the 1600s as a working dog for farms and homesteads. Over time, they were used as guard dogs due to their natural protective instincts. Today, they are known around the world as a loyal and devoted family pet.

Compared to other mastiff breeds, the South African Mastiff or Boerboel is a more agile and muscular breed with short hair. They are often confused with the Bullmastiff, but the two breeds have distinct differences.

South African Mastiff or BoerboelLarge140-200 poundsBrindle or brown with black mask
BullmastiffLarge100-130 poundsFawn, red or brindle

The South African Mastiff or Boerboel is also considered one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, with records indicating their presence in South Africa as far back as the mid-1600s.

Understanding the history and origins of the South African Mastiff or Boerboel can help you appreciate the breed’s unique qualities and characteristics.

Fun Fact about Boerboel Breed

“Boerboel” is derived from the Afrikaans words “boer,” meaning farmer, and “boel,” meaning dog.

South African Mastiff Boerboel

“Training should begin as soon as you bring your puppy home. Start with basic obedience training, such as teaching your puppy to sit, stay, and come.”

Health and Care for the South African Mastiff or Boerboel

The South African Mastiff or Boerboel is generally a healthy breed, but like all dogs, they are prone to certain health conditions that owners should be aware of. Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia are two common orthopedic issues that can affect large dog breeds like the South African Mastiff or Boerboel. These conditions occur when the joints do not develop properly, resulting in pain and discomfort.

To minimize the risk of these conditions, it is important to ensure your South African Mastiff or Boerboel maintains a healthy weight and receives regular exercise to keep their joints strong. Additionally, early screening for these conditions may help detect them before they become severe.

Grooming needs for the South African Mastiff or Boerboel are relatively low-maintenance. Their short, smooth coat requires weekly brushing to remove loose hair and distribute skin oils. However, they do shed seasonally and will require more frequent brushing during those times.

It is also essential to maintain good oral hygiene for your South African Mastiff or Boerboel. Regular teeth brushing and professional dental cleanings can help prevent periodontal disease, a common health issue in dogs that can lead to tooth loss and other serious health complications.

Grooming Tips for the South African Mastiff or Boerboel

In addition to weekly brushing, bathing your South African Mastiff or Boerboel every few months will help keep them clean and smelling fresh. When bathing your dog, be sure to use a mild shampoo formulated for dogs to avoid irritating their skin.

Trimming your dog’s nails regularly can also help prevent them from becoming overgrown and causing pain or discomfort. And, as mentioned earlier, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene for your dog by brushing their teeth regularly and providing them with dental chews and toys to help remove plaque and tartar buildup.

By staying on top of your South African Mastiff or Boerboel’s health and grooming needs, you can help ensure they live a long and healthy life by your side.

Exercise and Activity Requirements of the South African Mastiff or Boerboel

As a large and active breed, the South African Mastiff or Boerboel requires plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.

Experts recommend giving your South African Mastiff or Boerboel at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. This can include brisk walks, runs, hikes, and playtime in a securely fenced outdoor space. It’s important to note that, though they require exercise, these dogs are not recommended for apartment living due to their size and energetic nature.

In addition to physical activity, mental stimulation is also important for this breed. Interactive toys, puzzles, and training sessions can help keep your South African Mastiff or Boerboel mentally engaged and prevent boredom-related behavior problems.

It’s also important to keep in mind that, like all dogs, the amount of exercise your South African Mastiff or Boerboel requires may vary based on their age, overall health, and individual personality.

Tip: Consider exploring different activities with your South African Mastiff or Boerboel to keep them mentally stimulated and happy. This can include agility training, obedience classes, or even hiking and swimming together.

Owning a South African Mastiff or Boerboel: What to Expect

If you are considering owning a South African Mastiff or Boerboel, there are several things to keep in mind. Firstly, it’s important to find a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy and well-socialized puppy. Look for breeders who are members of the American Kennel Club (AKC) or other reputable organizations, and who prioritize the health and wellbeing of their breeding dogs and puppies.

Once you bring your puppy home, it’s important to provide them with the right nutrition and care at each life stage. South African Mastiffs or Boerboels are a large breed and have specific dietary requirements. Talk to your vet about the best food options for your dog and make sure they get the right amount of exercise and mental stimulation each day.

Life stages

As your Boerboel puppy grows, they will go through several life stages, each with their own unique challenges and requirements. Here’s a brief overview of what to expect:

Life StageDescription
PuppyUp to 6 months old; requires socialization and basic training
Adolescence6 months to 2 years old; may test boundaries and require further training
Adult2-6 years old; should be fully trained and well-adjusted to family life
Senior6+ years old; may require adjustments to diet and exercise due to aging

Throughout each life stage, it’s important to provide your South African Mastiff or Boerboel with plenty of love and attention, as they thrive on human companionship and interaction.

Training and socialization

Early socialization and training are crucial for South African Mastiffs or Boerboels, as they can become overprotective or aggressive if not properly socialized from a young age. Puppy kindergarten and obedience classes are great options for socialization and training, and can help you form a strong bond with your dog.

Registration with AKC

Registering your South African Mastiff or Boerboel with the AKC can give you access to a wealth of resources and support for owning and caring for your dog. It can also help you connect with other Boerboel owners and enthusiasts, and showcase your dog’s heritage and accomplishments.

Overall, owning a South African Mastiff or Boerboel can be a rewarding and enriching experience for you and your family. As long as you provide your dog with proper training, socialization, and care, your Boerboel can become a beloved guardian and companion for many years to come.

boerboel dog

South African Mastiff or Boerboel as a Therapy Dog

If you’re considering owning a South African Mastiff or Boerboel, you may be wondering if this breed is suitable for therapy work. These dogs are often used as therapy dogs due to their calm and gentle temperament, which can have a positive impact on patients in hospitals and nursing homes.

The South African Mastiff or Boerboel’s protective nature also makes them an ideal therapy dog for those who have experienced trauma or abuse. Their presence can provide a sense of comfort and security, helping patients feel safe and at ease.

It’s important to note that not all South African Mastiffs or Boerboels are suitable for therapy work. While the breed is generally friendly and affectionate, individual temperaments can vary. Therapy dogs must be well-behaved, obedient, and comfortable in a variety of settings.

If you’re interested in having your South African Mastiff or Boerboel become a therapy dog, it’s recommended to start training and socialization early. Positive reinforcement training methods can effectively teach your dog the skills and behaviors needed to be a successful therapy dog.

Therapy dog certification is also necessary before your South African Mastiff or Boerboel can begin visiting patients. Organizations such as Therapy Dogs International and the American Kennel Club offer certification programs that test your dog’s obedience, temperament, and ability to interact with patients.

If you believe that your South African Mastiff or Boerboel has the right temperament and personality to become a therapy dog, the rewards can be great. Your dog can provide comfort, companionship, and a sense of hope to those in need, while also receiving love and attention in return.

What Are the Common Health Issues Faced by Boerboel Dogs in an Active Family Lifestyle?

Active families who own Boerboel dogs may encounter certain health issues experienced by boerboels. Due to the breed’s large size and potential for intense physical activities, joint problems like hip dysplasia can arise. Additionally, cardiovascular issues may emerge if they are not given enough exercise. Regular vet check-ups and a balanced diet are essential to maintain the well-being of these beloved family pets.


Congratulations on reaching the end of this South African Mastiff or Boerboel dog breed guide! By now, you should have a better understanding of the breed’s rich history, physical characteristics, temperament, care requirements, and suitability as both a family pet and therapy dog.

Whether you’re an experienced dog owner or considering bringing home your first pet, the South African Mastiff or Boerboel can make a wonderful addition to your family. With their protective nature, loyalty, and love for an active lifestyle, this giant breed is sure to steal your heart.

Remember to do your research and find a reputable breeder or rescue organization when looking for a South African Mastiff or Boerboel. While owning a large dog breed like this may come with its own set of challenges, the love and companionship they provide make it all worth it.

So what are you waiting for? Start your journey towards owning a South African Mastiff or Boerboel today and experience the joy that comes with welcoming these majestic dogs into your life!